Dial, AAH Monster

Game Version 1, released Oct 14, 2019



Dial your cute monster and play games with it.

Select games with the on screen controls or use the number row/pad to play.

When the game tells you to give someone a number, you give that to another person playing Dial, Aah Monster. You then take their number in return. This is how you play the cutting edge multiplayer games.

There is no ending, just keep playing with your monster until you get bored of them.


List of Credits
Name Role
SysLGame Developer, Patchwork Library
GDC Audio PacksSound Effects
PixabayPublic Domain Art
Matthias RichterHUMP Library
Enrique García CotaAnim8 Library
GVXSmallfolk Library


Created for Dogpit Jams, which had the theme: LCD.

Jam Awards

5th Place - Community Choice

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