Pixel Art Rendering Notes

June 25, 2024

Godot Project Settings

Viewport Settings
Snap2D and Filter do not inherit, make sure they are set in the viewport.

3D Pixel Art Rendering
Based on the work of Denovodavid, there is a way to have 3D look like real pixel art.

3D Pixel Art Rendering - Camera
  1. Node3D (Parent)
  2. SubViewport (Camera Viewport) (322x182)
  3. Node3D (Camera Control)
  4. Camera3D
#Camera Control
extends Node3D

@export var circular_radius: float = 0.0
@export var circular_speed: float = 0.2

@export var cam: Camera3D 
@export var follow: Node3D 
@export var followlerp: bool

var selfx := 0.0
var selfz := 0.0

func _ready() -> void:
	selfx = position.x
	selfz = position.z

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	if follow:
		position.x = selfx + follow.position.x
		position.z = selfz + follow.position.z
	if followlerp:
		position.x = selfx + lerp(follow.position.x, position.x, 0.02)
		position.z = selfz + lerp(follow.position.z, position.z, 0.02)
	if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_copy"):
		cam.size = lerp(cam.size, 20.0, 0.2)
	if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cut"):
		cam.size = lerp(cam.size, 10.0, 0.2)

class_name Camera3DTexelSnapped3
extends Camera3D

@export var snap := true
@export var snap_objects := true

var texel_error := Vector2.ZERO

@onready var _prev_rotation := global_rotation
@onready var _snap_space := global_transform
var _texel_size: float = 0.0

var _snap_nodes: Array[Node]
var _pre_snapped_positions: Array[Vector3]

func _ready() -> void:
	self.rotation.y = 0.8853982

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	self.rotation.y = 0.7853982
	# rotation changes the snap space
	if global_rotation != _prev_rotation:
		_prev_rotation = global_rotation
		_snap_space = global_transform
	_texel_size = size / float((get_viewport() as SubViewport).size.y)
	# camera position in snap space
	var snap_space_position := global_position * _snap_space
	# snap!
	var snapped_snap_space_position := snap_space_position.snapped(Vector3.ONE * _texel_size)
	# how much we snapped (in snap space)
	var snap_error := snapped_snap_space_position - snap_space_position
	if snap:
		# apply camera offset as to not affect the actual transform
		h_offset = snap_error.x
		v_offset = snap_error.y
		# error in screen texels (will be used later)
		texel_error = Vector2(snap_error.x, -snap_error.y) / _texel_size
		if snap_objects:
		texel_error = Vector2.ZERO

func _snap_objects() -> void:
	_snap_nodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("snap")
	for i in _snap_nodes.size():
		var node := _snap_nodes[i] as Node3D
		var pos := node.global_position
		_pre_snapped_positions[i] = pos
		var snap_space_pos := pos * _snap_space
		var snapped_snap_space_pos := snap_space_pos.snapped(Vector3(_texel_size, _texel_size, 0.0))
		node.global_position = _snap_space * snapped_snap_space_pos

func _snap_objects_revert() -> void:
	for i in _snap_nodes.size():
		(_snap_nodes[i] as Node3D).global_position = _pre_snapped_positions[i]

3D Pixel Art Rendering - Rendering To Screen
  1. Control Node
  2. Sprite2D
#Control Node
extends Control

@export var viewport: SubViewport
@export var pixel_movement := true
@export var sub_pixel_movement_at_integer_scale := true
@export var _sprite: Sprite2D

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	var screen_size := Vector2(get_window().size)
	# viewport size minus padding
	var game_size := Vector2(viewport.size - Vector2i(2, 2))
	var display_scale := screen_size / game_size
	# maintain aspect ratio
	var display_scale_min: float = minf(display_scale.x, display_scale.y)
	_sprite.scale = Vector2(display_scale_min, display_scale_min)
	# scale and center control node
	size = (_sprite.scale * game_size).round()
	position = ((screen_size - size) / 2).round()
	# smooth!
	if pixel_movement:
		var cam := viewport.get_camera_3d() as Camera3DTexelSnapped3
		var pixel_error: Vector2 = cam.texel_error * _sprite.scale
		_sprite.position = -_sprite.scale + pixel_error
		var is_integer_scale := display_scale == display_scale.floor()
		if is_integer_scale and not sub_pixel_movement_at_integer_scale:
			_sprite.position = _sprite.position.round()

// Sprite2D Shader Material
// based on code by t3ssel8r: https://youtu.be/d6tp43wZqps
// adapted to Godot by denovodavid

shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode unshaded;

void fragment() {
	// box filter size in texel units
	vec2 box_size = clamp(fwidth(UV) / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, 1e-5, 1);
	// scale uv by texture size to get texel coordinate
	vec2 tx = UV / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - 0.5 * box_size;
	// compute offset for pixel-sized box filter
	vec2 tx_offset = smoothstep(vec2(1) - box_size, vec2(1), fract(tx));
	// compute bilinear sample uv coordinates
	vec2 uv = (floor(tx) + 0.5 + tx_offset) * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
	// sample the texture
	COLOR = textureGrad(TEXTURE, uv, dFdx(UV), dFdy(UV));

Godot Camera, Isometric View

August 3, 2024

Camera Notes
Moving Player w/ Camera Angle
var direction := (Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).rotated(Vector3.UP, main_camera.rotation.y).normalized()
From: https://forum.godotengine.org/t/move-the-3d-player-relative-to-camera-in-godot-4/52237

Tutorial and Reference
Art and Design

Misc Godot Info

April 7, 2024

Change the Background Color in the Editor
Navigate to Project > Project Settings > General Tab > Rendering > Environment > Default Clear Color.
Changing this color will change the environment color of the editor.

From: https://forum.godotengine.org/t/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-the-editor-scene-area/25086

Capture Resize Callback
@onready var root = get_node("/root/")

#later in function 

#----------------------- OR --------------------------------#


Event Bus
Create script SignalBus.gd and make it an autoload.
signal _hello_world(val)
Create event that emits the signal for example buttons being pressed
var worldName := "Earth"
func helloWorld()-> void:
    SignalBus.emit_signal("_hello_world", worldName)
# OR SignalBus._hello_world.emit(worldName)
Connect the node that should trigger event.
func _ready()-> void:
    SignalBus.connect("_hello_world", helloWorld) 
func helloWorld(val):
    print("Hello ", val)

From: https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/131s509/event_bus_in_godot_4/

Cloning Scenes
onready var amount = 20
onready var coin = preload("res://coin.tscn")
func _drop():
for i in range(amount):
            var new_coin = coin.instance()
            print("coin: ", new_coin.name)

From: https://forum.godotengine.org/t/how-to-add-multiple-instanced-children-at-the-same-time/17787/2

Get Nodes in Group
var enemies = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("enemies")

Change Sprite Texture with Code
func update_texture(texture: Texture):
    var reference_frames: SpriteFrames = $AnimatedSprite.frames
    var updated_frames = SpriteFrames.new()
    for animation in reference_frames.get_animation_names():
        if animation != "default":
            updated_frames.set_animation_speed(animation, reference_frames.get_animation_speed(animation))
            updated_frames.set_animation_loop(animation, reference_frames.get_animation_loop(animation))
            for i in reference_frames.get_frame_count(animation):
                var updated_texture: AtlasTexture = reference_frames.get_frame(animation, i).duplicate()
                updated_texture.atlas = texture
                updated_frames.add_frame(animation, updated_texture)
$AnimatedSprite.frames = updated_frames

From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70139487/how-to-change-the-texture-of-animatedsprite-programatically

Viewport Texture Error

September 7, 2024

From Reddit: MamaDespik
In Godot, if you set a ViewPort Texture directly on a Material Albedo you will receive an error when running your game. This error appears to be harmless in game but it is annoying.

To work around it, you can set it in code:
  1. Grab a reference to the mesh
  2. Grab a reference to the viewport/subviewport
  3. In the _ready() callback, set the texture.

@onready var mesh_instance_3d: MeshInstance3D = $MeshInstance3D
@onready var sub_viewport: SubViewport = $SubViewport

func _ready() -> void:
	mesh_instance_3d.get_surface_override_material(0).albedo_texture = sub_viewport.get_texture()

This is not likely to be fixed anytime soon, it's been open since 2022...